Laringite e rinofaringite acuta e cronica. Efficace anche per la componenta allergica della flogosi. Associare NEOTONFIT se presente faringo-tonsillite. Associare NEOSINUFIT se presente rino-sinusite.
Posologia: venti gocce due o tre volte al giorno in poca acqua, lontano dai pasti. Bambini sopra i tre anni, metà dose.
Acute and chronic rinopharyngitis and laryngitis. It is effective also for allergic components of inflammation. Associate: NEOTONFIT if it is present pharyngo-tonsillitis, too. Associate: NEOSINUFIT if rhino-sinusitis is present.
Dosage: twenty drops two or three times every day in some water, away from meals. Children over three years, half the dose.